“I’ve come to understand that the lives of older adults can be as full of promises and potential as those of younger people, and that different generations can relate to one another with dignity and respect. There is a continuity to human life. Today’s older persons are yesterday children, and today’s children are tomorrow’s elders” Bestselling author John Robbins in ‘Healthy at 100’
“No one should endure loneliness, let alone older people”
Isolation and loneliness are the worst prospects human beings could face at any stage of their lives. Unfortunately, as we get older, the prospect of becoming isolated and lonely increases. According to The Future of Loneliness report, commissioned to the Future Foundation by the charity Friends of the Elderly; loneliness is a critical issue among the elderly. And there is “Over one million older people in the United Kingdom often lonely.”
According to the same source, being 80+ is a key- “predictor of loneliness and the total number of older people in the UK will grow by close to 50% between 2013 and 2030. This suggests that demographic change could fuel a sharp increase in loneliness in the UK”. Therefore, “If rates of loneliness among older people are not reduced, predicted demographic change alone will drive up the numbers of lonely older people in the UK by 40% 2030.”
In the face of such statistics, OldaloneUK has stepped in to help fight loneliness among older people by providing them with companionship and leisure. Our aim is to reduce the number of older people affected by loneliness and to make sure they can lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. Oldalone UK is working tirelessly to achieve its purpose under the banner of its values: Integrity, Kindness and Empathy in the hope to achieve ever growing age-friendly communities.

Our vision
Helping to fight loneliness affecting older people by building an honest and caring relationship with them through a number
of activities.

Our values
Integrity – We endeavour to build a relationship with our eldest where our number one priority is to promote their well-being.
Kindness – As a key element to help build and sustain a long-lasting and fulfilling friendship with our senior community members.
Empathy – We understand the needs of our seniors, and their right to be treated with
dignity and respect.

Our mission statement
At Oldalone UK we believe that by
befriending older people and providing them with companionship and leisure, we will be
able to make a great difference in their lives, especially into the lives of those who are already being affected by depression-related ailments.